The Best Time of Year to Trim and Prune Trees

Proper pruning and trimming is essential to ensure the health and longevity of trees. It can also help improve their aesthetic appeal, making them look more attractive in your yard or garden. But when is the best time of year to prune and trim trees? The answer depends on a number of factors, including the species of tree you’re working with, as well as your local climate conditions. In general, however, there are certain seasons that are better than others for pruning and trimming trees.

Continue reading to review a guide to help you determine when it’s best to prune or trim your tree!

Call 317-348-0811 For Professional Tree Pruning in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-348-0811 For Professional Tree Pruning in Indianapolis Indiana

Tree Pruning Guide

Trees With Spring Growth

For trees that bloom in the spring, such as cherry or dogwood trees, pruning and trimming should occur right after they have finished blooming. This is a great time to prune because it allows new growth to develop before the tree enters its dormant phase. Pruning at this time of year also encourages flowering for the next season.

Trees With Summer Growth

In contrast, pruning trees that flower in summer or fall (like maple or birch) should be done right away in late winter or early spring before their buds begin to swell. As with pruning spring-flowering trees, pruning these types of trees while they are still dormant will encourage healthier growth and more robust flowers during their peak blossom period.

Non-Flowering Trees

For trees that do not flower, pruning can usually occur in late winter or early spring. This is because pruning at this time of year encourages new growth to develop prior to the start of summer. Pruning during this time will also help prepare your tree for the hotter months ahead and ensure it stays healthy throughout the season.

Fall Tree Pruning

Finally, some trees respond better when pruned in the fall after their leaves have dropped and they are completely dormant. This type of pruning helps maintain a healthy balance between active growth during warm weather and dormancy in cooler temperatures.

Do Not Prune Trees Yourself

No matter what kind of tree you’re pruning, it’s important to trust a professional tree service provider for ANSI tree pruning training. Just one wrong cut can seriously jeopardize a tree’s health. They know how to prune selectively and avoid pruning too much at one time, as this can also damage the tree. Following these tips will ensure that your trees remain healthy and look their best all year long.

Create a Tree Care Plan for Your Property

By understanding when the best time of year is to prune different trees, you’ll be able to keep them looking their best for years to come. Pruning trees correctly also helps maintain strong growth and contributes to a healthier environment overall. So take care of your trees by pruning them at the right time of year – it pays off in both beauty and health!

Are you looking a trusted tree service company that can deliver affordable and reputable tree care for your residential or commercial property? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree pruning services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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10 Essential Steps for Residential Tree Care

Taking care of residential landscaping trees requires a lot of work, but it is worth the effort. Proper tree care can help protect your property from damage caused by falling limbs, keep your lawn healthy and green, and provide you with much-needed shade during hot summer months. Fortunately, tree service doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. With just 10 vital tips to keep your landscape’s trees healthy and thriving, you can make sure that your trees stay healthy and safe year-round.

From regular pruning to choosing the right fertilizer for each species of tree in your yard, below are 10 must-know tips for homeowners:

Call 317-348-0811 for Residential Tree Service in Indianapolis.
Call 317-348-0811 for Residential Tree Service in Indianapolis.

How to Take Care of Your Home’s Landscaping Trees

1. Inspect Your Trees Regularly: Regularly inspecting your trees will help you spot any signs of disease or pests that could be damaging the tree’s health and stability. Make sure to look for dying leaves, holes in the bark, or mushrooms growing near the roots.

2. Prune Dead Limbs: Dead branches can easily become a hazard if they are left unchecked. By pruning them away from sheds, walkways, playsets, or other suburban areas, you can ensure that no one is injured due to falling debris.

3. Remove Dangerous Limbs: Limbs that hang too close to edifices (i.e. power lines, sheds, barns, playsets, pool houses, etc.) should also be removed to prevent damage due to high winds or storms. If a tree has large branches hanging over such areas, a tree service should be called to safely remove them.

4. Choose the Right Fertilizer: Different trees need different types of fertilizer, so it is important to select one that is specifically designed for your tree species. This will provide your tree with the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and health.

5. Mulch around the base: Applying mulch around the base of trees helps retain moisture and improve soil fertility near their roots. Make sure not to pile up too much mulch as this can suffocate a tree’s roots and cause chemical imbalances in the soil.

6. Aerate the Soil: Periodically aerating lawn and garden soils help increase water absorption and root growth. This helps landscaping trees get the oxygen and nutrients they need for optimal health and growth.

7. Water Your Trees: Landscaping trees require plenty of water to remain healthy and strong, especially during hot summer months. Give each tree around one inch of water every week either through rainfall or with a garden hose.

8. Monitor Soil pH Levels: Soil pH can affect tree health, so it is important to regularly monitor the acidity or alkalinity levels in your landscape’s soil. If you notice any abnormalities, call a licensed Indianapolis tree service to assess your tree’s needs.

9. Control Pests: Pests such as aphids, beetles and moths can wreak havoc on landscaping trees. If you notice any of these pests, contact a tree service to help control the infestation and protect your tree’s health.

10. Watch for Diseases: Diseases such as root rot or Dutch elm disease can easily spread from one tree to another if left unchecked. Contact a local tree service immediately if you suspect that your tree is suffering from a disease.

Tree Care for Residential Properties

By following these 10 important steps for residential tree care, you can ensure that your landscaping trees and shrubs remain healthy all year round. For more helpful tips or assistance with your trees, contact a licensed Indianapolis tree service company and get expert advice.

Are you in need of expert tree services for your landscaping trees? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers all throughout the surrounding Indy areas.

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The Impact of Climate Change on Tree Health

Climate change is having a profound effect on the health of our trees, and it’s time to take action. Trees are essential for providing us with fresh air, shade, and beauty; they also help reduce erosion and flooding. Unfortunately, as temperatures rise due to climate change, tree health is declining rapidly in many areas around the world. This can lead to increased pests and diseases that can further damage trees, leading to safety hazards such as falling limbs or full-on tree collapse. We must be proactive in addressing this issue by learning more about how climate change affects overall tree health and taking steps towards better tree care practices that will ensure healthy forests now and into the future.

In this blog post we will explore how climate change impacts tree health and offer some tips on what you can do to protect your trees from its effects.

Call 317-348-0811 for Tree Removal Service in Indianapolis.
Call 317-348-0811 for Tree Removal Service in Indianapolis.

How the Changing Climate Has Affected Our Planet’s Trees

Water For Trees

The first thing to note is that temperature changes can affect the amount of water a tree needs. As temperatures rise, trees need more water to stay healthy and survive. This could mean increased watering for your trees or providing extra irrigation in areas where there is limited access to water. Additionally, extreme heat levels can cause tree stress which makes them more vulnerable to pests and diseases. This can cause rapid growth, decay, or even death of a tree.

Routine Tree Care

Tree care practices are also important in keeping trees healthy during climate change. Regular pruning, mulching, and fertilizing your trees will help them withstand harsher weather conditions and keep them looking their best. Additionally, using soil that is rich in organic matter and keeping the soil healthy with proper aeration will reduce the risk of water stress.

Tree Sickness

Finally, one of the most important things you can do to protect your trees is to watch for signs of change such as the yellowing of leaves or branches that appear dead or dying. If you notice these signs, contact a certified tree care professional right away for help. They can provide you with advice on how to best care for your trees in the face of climate change and make sure they stay healthy and strong.

What You Can Do to Help With Climate Change

Climate change is having a serious effect on tree health, but it’s not too late to take steps towards protecting them. By understanding how climate change impacts tree health and taking the proper precautions, you can ensure your trees remain healthy for years to come. If you need help caring for your trees, make sure to contact a certified tree care professional that understands the impacts of climate change on tree health. Together we can ensure our forests remain beautiful and healthy no matter what changes may come.

Are you looking for professional tree care near Indy? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured seasonal tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree care solutions at economical prices.

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7 Reasons Why Professional Tree Care is Important

Having trees in your yard is a great way to enhance the beauty of your landscape and provide shade, but it also requires regular maintenance. Tree care is essential for protecting your property from damage caused by overgrown or unhealthy trees. Professional tree service providers can help you keep your trees healthy and safe with expert advice and specialized services such as tree pruning, removal, trimming, fertilization, pest control, mulching, soil testing, and more.

Below are seven reasons why professional tree care service is so valuable.

Call Our Tree Service Company in Indianapolis at 317-348-0811 Today.
Call Our Tree Service Company in Indianapolis at 317-348-0811 Today.

The Importance of Professional Tree Service

1. Tree Health and Well-Being: Professional tree care can help promote the health of your trees by removing dead or diseased branches, thinning out congested crowns, and providing necessary fertilization and nutrient treatments to maintain a healthy canopy. Tree trimming also helps reduce stress on the tree, allowing it to better withstand storms and other environmental factors.

2. Tree Safety: Tree removal and tree trimming can help protect your property from potential damage caused by overgrown or damaged branches, as well as from pests and disease. An arborist can also identify potential safety risks such as dead limbs that could fall onto your property or into a power line.

3. Tree Longevity: Tree pruning and tree removal can help protect trees from disease, pests, and environmental conditions so they can live longer. Tree trimming also helps promote a healthy canopy by keeping the branches at a safe distance from one another, as well as reducing wind resistance in storms.

4. Tree Protection for Structures: Tree removal and tree trimming help protect your home, garage, and other structures from damage caused by overhanging branches. Tree pruning can also remove weakened or dead limbs that could potentially fall onto a structure.

5. Enhanced Tree Appearance: Tree removal and tree trimming can help enhance the aesthetic appearance of your landscape by removing dead or damaged branches and promoting the growth of healthy foliage. Tree pruning can also improve the overall shape and aesthetic appeal of your trees.

6. Improved Tree Efficiency: Tree trimming helps reduce wind resistance, allowing trees to better withstand storms, while tree removal can help increase sunlight exposure to nearby plants and shrubs. Tree pruning also improves air circulation around the tree, allowing it to grow more efficiently.

7. Tree Appreciation: Tree care can help ensure the health of your trees and improve their overall beauty, making them a source of pride for you and your family. Tree removal and tree trimming can also create more space in your yard for other activities or landscaping opportunities.

Where to Get Licensed Tree Service in Indianapolis

Professional tree care is an essential part of keeping your trees healthy, safe, and beautiful. By scheduling regular tree service appointments to inspect and maintain your trees, you can protect your property from potential damage caused by overgrown or unhealthy trees while also enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your landscape.

Are you in need of expert arboricultural services for your existing or freshly planted trees? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers all throughout the surrounding Indy areas.

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How to Calculate Tree Critical Root Zones

Taking care of your landscaping trees requires more than personal effort; it requires a little knowledge and understanding, too. A fundamental part of learning about tree care is knowing a tree’s critical root zone. A critical root zone, or CRZ, is essentially an imaginary boundary surrounding the base of a tree. Although the perimeter is imaginary, the meaning and importance is very real.

Tree Care Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Tree Care Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Instructions For Measuring CRZ

The imaginary boundary mentioned above should start at the drip line of a tree. This is where the water drips from the borders of the tree’s canopy. Imagine an open umbrella with water pouring on top. The circle of water created around the umbrella is similar to a tree’s drip line. For thinner trees, it is best to imagine the dripline a little farther out just to be sure all roots are taken into account.

Rather than locating (or guessing) a tree’s dripline, you can simply measure it yourself by hand. To measure your tree’s CRZ, start with some simple math. Measure the diameter of the tree trunk, and then multiply that number by 1.5. Here is an example:

Tree Trunk Diameter = 24 inches
Critical Root Zone = 1.5 ft2
24 x 1.5 = 36
CRZ Radius = 36 feet

When measuring your tree trunk, start at an area that is 5 feet from the base. This is a more accurate measurement of the trunk diameter. Another way to find the tree trunk diameter is to measure the circumference of the tree trunk and multiply it by 3.14 (pi). Here is an example:

Trunk Circumference = 76.36 feet
Critical Root Zone = 1.5 ft2
75.36/3.14 = 24
Tree Trunk Diameter = 24 inches

Fall Season Tree Care

Fall is the time of year when the leaves on trees begin to change color and eventually fall off. This can be a beautiful sight, but it also means that trees need special care to stay healthy. Here are some tips for taking care of your trees during the fall season:

🌳 Prune any dead or dying branches to help the tree stay healthy.

🌳 Mulch around the base of the tree to help protect the roots from cold weather.

🌳 Make sure the tree is getting enough water, especially if the leaves are turning brown.

🌳 Wrap the trunk of the tree with burlap or another type of fabric to protect it from freezing temperatures.

By following these tips, you can help your trees stay healthy and beautiful during the fall season! Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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Types of Tree Trimming Services and When You Might Need Them

It is important to care for the trees on your property to increase stability, safety, growth, and of course, appearances. Trees are beautiful assets that greatly influence the value of any property. They can also make or break a first impression of a landscape.  Most homeowners are interested in maintaining a beautiful landscape for their home, which includes knowing accurate and effective tree care. Tree trimming is one of the basic tasks that all trees must have in order to achieve all of the above. 

Continue reading to learn some general tree trimming advice that can be applied to virtually all varieties of trees in Indiana, plus where to get trusted tree service near you.

Tree Trimming Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Tree Trimming Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Tree Trimming

Winter Pruning

All trees, especially deciduous ones that lose foliage at the end of a growth season, should be pruning during winter. This is because in the winter, trees are dormant and do not grow. Without any leaves obstructing one’s view, it is simple to identify where to trim. Winter pruning also allows the clipped limbs and branches to recover before spring and produce even more bountiful blooms, fruits, nuts, and flower blossoms

Trimming Low Hanging Branches

When you begin to notice low hanging limbs and branches from the trees on your property, it is time to start trimming. Low hanging branches can actually be a risk to people and any structures nearby. A heavy limb or branch can easily crush a car, crack a roof, break a fence, or possibly injure a person. They can also clog gutters and interfere with other drainage systems which can lead to costly repairs and complicated lawsuits. Harsh weather and strong winds are all it takes for a limb to break free and cause damage to its surroundings. 

Professional Tree Services

The best way to ensure you are caring for the trees on your property correctly is to consult a professional tree care company. They retain the latest technologies and industry knowledge to accurately identify dead trees, problematic branches, tree diseases, and effective solutions. If you live in a heavily wooded lot, using a professional tree service company is strongly recommended. It can be dangerous and overwhelming caring for various species of trees on your own without any formal training, equipment, or experience.

Typical Tree Trimming Services:

◾ Residential
◾ Commercial
◾ Inspections
◾ Pruning
◾ Shaping
◾ Crown Reduction
◾ Crown Balancing
◾ Thinning
◾ Topping
◾ Heading
◾ Tipping
◾ Hat-Racking
◾ Rounding Over

Are you looking a trusted tree service company that can deliver affordable and reputable tree care for your residential or commercial property? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree trimming in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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What is the Difference Between Tree Trimming and Pruning?
Can I Prune My Tree in June?
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Tips for Watering an Old Tree

Mature trees are prized possessions to us because they have flourished to the tree they were planted to be. Aside from the oxygen they produce, mature trees provide privacy, shade, appeal, energy efficiency, noise reduction, and various other benefits. For these reasons and more, we are keen on keeping them healthy and happy for years to come.

One of the most frequently asked questions about caring for mature trees is in regard to the amount of water they require for sustenance. Concerned property owners want to know if they should be watering their mature trees or doing something more to care for them. Mature landscaping trees are assets, so it is important to know these facts.

Continue reading to learn about caring for mature trees and how much you should be watering them, season to season.

Tree Care Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Tree Care Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Tree Care for Mature Trees and Shrubs

Just like young trees, mature trees require a certain degree of routine care and maintenance. This includes watering, pruning, fertilizing, and disease prevention. You see, mature trees have slowed in growth, making them more vulnerable to the hazards in their surrounding environment. They are more susceptible to pest infestations, diseases, blights, and wildlife interference.

To ensure proper growth and survival, mature trees need:

☑ Proper Soil Conditions and pH Balance
☑ Regular Watering
☑ Seasonal Pruning
☑ Pest and Wildlife Prevention

How to Water an Older Tree

To water mature trees properly, you will need to take their age and climate into consideration. Here’s what you need to know:

▶ Larger trees require more water than smaller ones.

▶ If the forecast is calling for flooding rains over the next several weeks, you will not need to water your trees.

▶ If the forecast is moderately rainy to dry, you will need to give your mature trees one deep watering every month.

▶ In dry seasons or during extended periods of drought, water trees deeply twice per month.

Tree Pruning and Disease Control for Old Trees

Mature trees should be pruned on a routine basis to improve foliage growth and branch strength, thus reducing the chances of branch breakage and other tree hazards. In heavily wooded areas, it is wise to have your trees sprayed with insecticides for added protection against pest infestations. Talk to a trusted Indianapolis tree service company for advice on how to care for your mature trees. They have the knowledge and experience to accurately assess your tree’s overall condition and health needs, provide professional recommendations, and implement any needed tree service for your landscaping trees.

Are you looking for professional tree work for your old or new landscaping trees? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers all throughout the surrounding Indy areas.

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4 Environmental Factors That Can Delay or Stop Tree Growth

There are various problems that can arise when it comes to planting and caring for trees.  Trees are valuable and beautiful amenities to have on your property, so it can be a troubling thought to know certain factors can stunt tree growth.  For many homeowners, trees can represent tradition and family, growing high into the sky for decades upon decades.  That is why people plant trees; to see them grow! 

So as a homeowner, be sure to know how to care for your trees and protect them from the things that can prevent them from living long and healthy lives.

Tree Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Tree Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Top Causes for Stunted Tree Growth

Lack of Sunlight

Trees need sunlight to grow, sustain, and produce oxygen.  If a tree is denied a certain degree of sunlight, then the growth will inevitably suffer.  Sunlight is food for trees.  They need it to survive and to remain healthy.  If a large building is suddenly erected next door to your adolescent trees, their growth rate may reduce more and more, every season.  On top of this example, trees can be denied sunlight in other ways.  Storms, overcast, and larger trees can block other trees from receiving enough rays as well.

Animals and Insects

There are a few species of insects, animals, and living organisms that use the nutrients derived from trees to sustain their own lives and growth patterns.  In this situation, the tree may not be able to grow at its potential rate because it is not getting all of the nutrients it generally requires.  This relationship between creature and tree is not enough to kill a tree, but certainly stunt its growth.  Another scenario involves infestations. 

Certain insects can use trees as hosts and hives, putting the tree at risk of disease or death.  This type of relationship will immediately stop the growth of a tree and even begin killing it along the way.  The most common pests known to do this to trees include tree borers, female scale insects, aphids, and Elm Leaf beetles. Fungal outbreaks are also detrimental to tree health.

Lack of Water

Just like everything living thing on Earth, trees need water to grow.  If they do not get the amount of water they need to survive, they will eventually die.  If a tree’s water source becomes restricted, the tree can survive, but growth and longevity are not likely.  Trees need nutrients, sunlight, water, and minor maintenance to thrive on any residential property.  A drought, bad weather, water source obstruction, or root damage can all be causes for water depletion in trees.

Have you lost some trees on your property? Do you need to have trees in poor health or decline? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree removal in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial tree work, as well as free estimates and advice.

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Timberland Tree Care Offers a Wide Range of Indiana Tree Services

When it comes to your property’s value and appeal, why settle for less? Timberland Tree Care knows just how important your landscaping trees are, and as leaders in the tree service industry, we provide expert tree care you can trust! Continue reading to see all the services we offer our surrounding Indianapolis towns and neighborhoods.

Timberland Tree Care Has Your Tree Service Needs Covered, Year-Round!

Timberland Tree Care Serves All of Central Indiana

Here at Timberland Tree Care, our licensed Indianapolis tree service contractors have been serving the Central Indiana communities with expert tree work for more than 30 years, and provide a wide range of both residential and commercial tree services in Central Indiana, including tree removal, tree trimming, pruning, stump removal, stump grinding, lot clearing, and a lot more!

Residential Tree Work

Our licensed tree service contractors provide tree work for all residential properties. Regardless of your property’s size and scope, we are fully equipped to provide all routine and major tree services within a time frame that’s convenient for you!

Commercial Tree Work

In addition to residential work, our company is fully equipped to take on large commercial tree projects as well. From tree and underbrush removal to storm damage clearance, stump removal, routine tree care, and more, there is nothing Timberland Tree Care can’t do for your commercial landscaping trees.

Tree Removal Service

Tree removal is our specialty. We remove trees of all sizes, shapes, and conditions, including dead trees and hard-to-access trees. Our professional, state of the art equipment can stand up to any tree that needs felling. We use a strict concentrated approach to keep you and your property safe.

Tree Trimming and Pruning

Timberland Tree Care offers a wide range of seasonal tree care services, including tree trimming, tree pruning, fertilization, topping, transplanting, and much more. Tree trimming is essentially for so many reasons, so be sure you follow up throughout the seasons, so your trees remain happy and healthy all year long.

Storm Damage Clearance

Harsh storms, strong winds, and other types of seasonal weather can cause storm damage to trees, which can be both dangerous and unattractive for any type of property. Trees can lean, limbs can break off, branches can split or fall, all of which can create dangerous hazards and obstructions. If you have a fallen, leaning, or storm damaged tree, it is important to get professional tree service as soon as possible.

Stump Removal and Stump Grinding

After a tree is removed, there is still a stump to hide. If you want your stumps hidden, Timberland Tree Care offers professional stump grinding services. If a stump is not something you want on your property at all, we offer speedy stump removal services too!

Tree Clearing

Whether commercial or residential, sometimes a lot needs to be cleared. Timberland Tree Care is fully equipped and trained to clear a lot of trees and underbrush, regardless of the job’s size and scope. We know the importance of your surrounding landscape, and takes great care to provide effective lot clearing solutions that will not disrupt or destroy your property.

Get a Free Quote for Indianapolis Tree Service Right Now

Although based out of Indianapolis, Timberland Tree Care provides prompt and professional tree services for all of Central Indiana, from Noblesville to Greenfield, and everything in between! Contact us directly at 317-348-0811 to request a free estimate or information, during regular business hours. Timberland Tree Care looks forward to helping you!

Timberland Tree Care Indianapolis, Indiana
Timberland Tree Care 317-348-0811

The Importance of Winter Tree Care

When the seasons change and autumn fades into winter, trees become dormant. This means they are not active when it comes to growth and consumption. The hibernation stage is a natural defense mechanism against potential adverse weather conditions winter can promise each year. Although a dormant tree is not actively growing, it still requires a particular degree of care if you desire abundant and luscious trees come spring and summertime. Fortunately, tree dormancy allows homeowners or tree care technicians to better facilitate a wide variety of treatments and car techniques to further protect the trees and influence positive growth for the following seasons.

Continue reading to learn more about these recommended tree care approaches and who to call for professional advice or assistance this winter.

Indianapolis Tree Services
Indianapolis Tree Services 317-348-0811

Essential Tree Services for Winter Protection

Even though the weather is changing, trees and landscapes still require the same level of attention and care. There are several options a person can facilitate to influence proper growth, sustenance, and protection for their trees during the wintertime; however, not all trees require the same type of maintenance. Fir trees, maples, oaks, and fruit trees are very similar, but may require slightly different treatment plans. It is best to consult a professional tree service technician for advice and assistance on this matter. 

Here is a list of the recommended tree services to consider implementing throughout the winter in order to achieve beautiful and vibrant trees and fruits come spring:

✼ Tree Trimming
✼ Tree Pruning
✼ Dead Wooding
✼ Fertilizing
✼ Tree Shaping
✼ Tree Topping
✼ Disease Control
✼ Tree Thinning
✼ Tree Cabling and Bracing
✼ Deep Root Feeding
✼ Crown Reduction and Balancing
✼ Tree Injections
✼ Tree Feeding

Depending on the type of tree, current status of the tree, and the time of year, the level of care will differ for each service. Not all trees will require every service listed above in the wintertime. It all depends on the state of the tree and the tree’s particular needs. Nonetheless, caring for your trees in the wintertime is highly advantageous and shows in the spring and summer seasons. Fruits taste better, are healthier and more abundant as well! Leaves are thicker, flowers are brighter and more colorful, and the trunk will be strong and sturdier than ever!

Consult with a professional tree service company for reliable advice on winter tree care for your property.

Indianapolis Winter Tree Service You Can Afford

Call Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for professional winter tree care in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We are licensed and experienced tree care contractors who offer a wide range of professional-level tree service for both residential and commercial properties. Whether you need a tree removed, a stump ground, or an entire lot cleared, we are the trusted tree care contractors who can get the job done right the first time, and at a price you can afford. Request a free estimate, today.

Timberland Tree Care Indianapolis, Indiana
Timberland Tree Care 317-348-0811