When Nature Strikes: How to Deal with a Fallen Tree on Your Property

Nature can be unpredictable. One minute, you’re enjoying the shade of a beautiful tree in your yard, and the next, it’s knocked over by a storm, causing potential damage to your property. Dealing with a fallen tree can be overwhelming, especially for homeowners unprepared for such an event.

This blog aims to guide you through the essentials of managing a fallen tree, from recognizing the signs to ensuring safety and preventing future incidents. By the end of this post, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to handle a fallen tree situation and protect your property effectively.

Call 317-348-0811 for Fallen Tree Removal in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-348-0811 for Fallen Tree Removal in Indianapolis Indiana

Common Signs of a Fallen Tree or a Tree That Might Fall Soon

Fallen trees are often obvious, but sometimes the signs might not be immediately clear. Look for branches resting on your roof or fence, roots lifted out of the ground, or noticeable tilting. These indicators suggest a tree has fallen or is about to fall, causing potential damage.

When inspecting your property for fallen trees, walk around the yard and check areas not easily visible from the house. Look for broken branches or tree trunks leaning against structures or other trees. Assess the risk level by examining the size and position of the fallen tree. If it’s a large tree close to your home or power lines, the risk is high, and immediate action is necessary.

Safety First

Your safety and that of your family is paramount. Upon discovering a fallen tree, keep everyone away from the area. Trees can be unstable after falling, and there is a risk of further movement or collapse. Call professionals immediately if the tree has fallen on a structure, such as your house or car.

Attempting to remove the tree yourself can be dangerous and cause more damage. If the tree has fallen on power lines, contact your utility company right away. Do not approach or try to move the tree, as downed power lines pose a severe electrocution risk.

Tree Removal Options

Several tree removal methods are available, ranging from DIY efforts to hiring professional services. For small trees that haven’t caused significant damage, you might opt for DIY removal. Equip yourself with the necessary tools and follow safety protocols.

Professional tree removal services are recommended for larger trees or those causing extensive damage. These experts have the equipment and expertise to safely and efficiently remove fallen trees. When choosing a removal method, consider the tree’s size, location, and the extent of the damage. Professional services might be costlier but ensure the job is done safely and correctly.

Legal and Insurance Considerations

Dealing with a fallen tree often involves legal and insurance matters. Check your homeowner’s insurance policy to understand what coverage is available for tree removal and property damage. Inform your insurance company immediately after discovering the fallen tree. They will guide you through the claims process and may require documentation of the damage.

Be aware of local ordinances regarding tree removal. Some areas require permits for removing large trees or those near property lines. Understanding these regulations will help you avoid legal complications.

Preventing Future Incidents

Preventing future tree falls involves regular tree maintenance and early detection of potential issues. Regularly inspect your trees for signs of disease, rot, or structural weakness. Hire a certified arborist to assess the health of your trees periodically. They can identify potential risks and recommend appropriate actions, such as pruning or removal. Maintain your trees by keeping them trimmed and healthy. Proper tree care reduces the risk of falling during storms or high winds.


Dealing with a fallen tree can be stressful, but understanding how to manage the situation can significantly ease the process. Remember to prioritize safety, consider professional help, and be aware of legal and insurance aspects. By taking proactive measures, you can prevent future incidents and ensure your property remains safe. If you’re dealing with a fallen tree and need immediate assistance, contact a professional tree removal service today to safeguard your home and loved ones.

Did a tree topple over in your yard or driveway? We can help with that. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree removal in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers all throughout the surrounding Indy areas.

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The Hidden Dangers of DIY Tree Work: A Homeowner’s Guide

For many homeowners, the idea of tackling a project on their own is both enticing and empowering. The DIY trend has surged, fueled by countless online tutorials and the satisfaction of completing tasks without professional help. However, when it comes to tree work, the risks often outweigh the rewards. This blog post will explore why DIY tree work can be dangerous, offering insights and practical tips to ensure your safety.

Call 317-348-0811 for Professional Tree Work in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-348-0811 for Professional Tree Work in Indianapolis Indiana

Statistics Highlighting the Dangers of DIY Tree Work

The dangers of DIY tree work are often underestimated. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), there are thousands of reported injuries related to tree trimming and removal each year. Shockingly, about 80% of these incidents involve homeowners attempting DIY tree care. These injuries range from minor cuts and bruises to severe trauma and even fatalities. With such alarming statistics, understanding the risks involved becomes crucial for any DIY enthusiast.

Common Mistakes Made During DIY Tree Care

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make is underestimating the complexity of tree work. For example, using improper tools can lead to accidents. A chainsaw in inexperienced hands is a recipe for disaster. Additionally, many homeowners fail to assess the tree’s health and structural integrity, leading to trees falling unpredictably. Another frequent error is neglecting safety equipment. Using ladders on uneven ground or not wearing protective gear increases the risk of severe injuries. Each of these mistakes underscores the importance of expertise in tree care.

Financial and Legal Implications of DIY Tree Work Gone Wrong

Beyond the immediate physical dangers, DIY tree work can have significant financial and legal repercussions. If a tree falls on your property or, worse, a neighbor’s property, the costs can skyrocket. Homeowners’ insurance may not cover damages incurred from DIY projects, leaving you to bear the full financial burden. Furthermore, if someone else gets injured during your DIY attempt, you could face legal liabilities. This financial and legal maze underscores the importance of professional intervention.

The Importance of Professional Tree Service

Professional tree services offer more than just the physical act of trimming or removing trees. They bring expertise, experience, and specialized equipment to ensure the job is done safely and effectively. Experts can identify potential hazards, such as diseased limbs or compromised tree structures, which might go unnoticed by amateurs. Hiring professionals also means that they are insured, minimizing your financial and legal risks. Ultimately, professional tree services provide peace of mind, knowing the job is done right.

A Guide on How to Choose the Right Company

Selecting the right tree service company is crucial for ensuring quality work. Start by researching local companies and reading reviews. Look for certifications and memberships in professional organizations, which indicate a commitment to industry standards. Ask for estimates and compare prices, but remember that the cheapest option isn’t always the best. Inquire about their insurance coverage to protect yourself from potential liabilities. By doing your homework, you can find a reliable tree service company that meets your needs.


The allure of DIY projects is understandable, but when it comes to tree work, the potential dangers and complexities make professional intervention the smarter choice. The statistics and examples highlighted in this post demonstrate the physical, financial, and legal risks associated with DIY tree care. By opting for professional tree services, you ensure safety, expertise, and peace of mind. Don’t gamble with your well-being or finances—seek professional advice and keep your home and loved ones safe.

If you’re considering tree work on your property, think twice before going the DIY route. Instead, contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers all throughout the surrounding Indy areas. Reach out today and take the first step toward safe and efficient tree care.

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Hidden Dangers in Your Yard: Identifying and Managing Hazardous Trees

In the bucolic tranquility of your backyard, tall trees swaying in the breeze paint a picturesque setting. But what if some of those trees pose a hidden danger? For homeowners, garden enthusiasts, and those with a keen eye on safety, understanding and addressing hazardous trees is not just about landscape aesthetics – it’s a crucial element of responsible property care.

Neglecting a potentially hazardous tree in your yard can lead to a host of issues, from property damage to personal injury, and even legal liabilities. This guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge and resources necessary to manage the health and safety of the trees on your property effectively.

Call 317-348-0811 for Hazardous Tree Removal in Indianapolis
Call 317-348-0811 for Hazardous Tree Removal in Indianapolis

Identifying Tree Hazards

Knowing what to look for is the first line of defense in ensuring the trees on your property don’t become a hazard. Signs of potential danger can be subtle or glaringly obvious and may include dead or hanging branches, power line interference, peeling bark, or a noticeable lean. A basic risk assessment entails observing the physical condition of the tree–are the branches balanced? Is the trunk straight and fully upright? Are there any visible signs of decay, or evidence of recent damage? If the answer to these questions is a cause for concern, it’s time to take action.

The Potential Consequences of Tree Neglect

Ignoring a hazardous tree is a dangerous gamble. In the event of a severe storm or even a moderate gust of wind, a structurally compromised tree could shed heavy limbs or even topple entirely. This can result in damage not only to your property but also to vehicles, utilities, and neighboring structures, not to mention potential injury to anyone in the vicinity. Beyond the immediate risks, homeowners and building owners incur legal liabilities if they are found negligent in maintaining trees that cause harm or damage.

Fallen or Uprooted Trees

The nightmare scenario of a hazardous tree colliding with a home or causing injury may seem remote, but the aftermath of such an event is complicated and potentially devastating. Insurance claims, repair costs, and the emotional toll of the incident can be avoided through simple vigilance and timely action.

Your Role as a Responsible Property Owner

The legal dimension of hazardous trees cannot be overstated. If a tree on your property injures a passerby or damages a neighbor’s fence, you are likely to be held accountable. Being proactive about tree health can shield you from these financial and legal burdens.

Tree Removal and Maintenance Services

Fortunately, the management of hazardous trees is not a solitary task. Professional tree care services specialize in the assessment, maintenance, and when necessary, the removal of hazardous trees. Arborists and tree care professionals are skilled in the art of keeping trees both beautiful and safe. Their services include regular inspection, disease treatment, and the subtle art of strategic pruning to maintain the health and structural integrity of trees.

Selecting the Right Tree Care Expert

When choosing a service provider, ensure they are certified and insured. Evaluate their track record by asking for customer references and checking online reviews. A reputable tree care company will be transparent about costs, timelines, and the recommended scope of work.

Preservation First

In cases where a tree is in need of substantial care, consider alternatives to outright removal. Cable and brace systems, for instance, can be used to extend the life of a tree by mitigating the risk of limb failure in high-wind conditions.


In the serene environment of your backyard, trees stand as silent guardians, contributors to the landscape’s beauty, and vital players in our ecosystem. However, the responsibility of ensuring these natural monuments do not turn into hazards falls on each property owner’s shoulders. Identifying the signs of a dangerous tree early, understanding the legal implications of negligence, and taking proactive steps towards tree health and safety can prevent potential disasters.

By partnering with professional arborists and tree care experts, homeowners can secure not just the well-being of their trees but also the safety and aesthetics of their property. This guide aims to empower homeowners with the knowledge to make informed decisions about tree care, emphasizing that prevention is always better than dealing with the aftermath of a neglectful oversight.

Remember, in the realm of tree health and sustenance, vigilance and timely action are key. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured cable installation and bracing tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree care solutions at economical prices.

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Spotting the Symptoms: How to Tell If Your Tree Is Sick

Just like any living organism, trees can also fall prey to diseases and ailments. They, too, have life coursing through their veins, albeit in the form of sap and not blood. The health of these silent, life-giving companions can drastically affect the ecosystem they inhabit. But how can we tell if a tree is sick or dying? What are the symptoms of tree diseases?

This blog post aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge to identify the signs of a sick tree, ensuring you can take prompt action to prevent further damage. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the world of arboriculture, understanding the silent signals our leafy friends send when they are under the weather.

Call 317-348-0811 for Tree Removal Service in Indianapolis
Call 317-348-0811 for Tree Removal Service in Indianapolis

Identifying the Symptoms  of a Sick Tree

Just like humans, trees also exhibit physical symptoms when they are not feeling their best. These signs can range from subtle changes in leaf color to more alarming signs, such as wilting or decay. As a tree owner or caretaker, it is essential to keep an eye out for these symptoms and take immediate action if you notice any of them. Ignoring or neglecting these signs of tree illness can lead to the spread of disease, resulting in the death of your tree. So, let’s take a closer look at some common symptoms of tree diseases.

Leaf Symptoms

Leaves are an essential part of a tree’s life cycle and are often the first indicators of sickness. Depending on the type of disease, leaves may exhibit discoloration, wilting, or abnormal growth patterns. Some diseases may also cause leaves to fall off prematurely. For example, Dutch Elm Disease causes yellowing and wilting of leaves before they eventually fall off. Another common symptom is the presence of lesions or spots on the leaves, indicating a fungal or bacterial infection.

Trunk and Branch Symptoms

The trunk and branches of a tree can also display symptoms of disease. These may include cracking or peeling bark, fungus growth, or dead branches. A weakened trunk is also an indication of poor health. If you notice any of these signs, it could be a sign of a more severe issue in the tree’s vascular system.

Root Symptoms

Roots are crucial to a tree’s survival as they absorb nutrients and water from the soil. If there is a problem with the critical root zone, it can have a significant impact on the tree’s overall health. Signs of root disease include stunted growth, yellowing leaves, or bark discoloration. You may also notice fungus growth around the base of the tree.

Taking Action

If you notice any of these symptoms in your tree, it is crucial to take prompt action. The first step is to identify the underlying cause of the symptoms and determine the type of disease or ailment affecting your tree. It is always best to consult a certified tree care professional who can accurately diagnose the issue and provide you with a plan of action. In some cases, early treatment can save a sick tree, while in other cases, it may be necessary to remove the tree to prevent the spread of disease to surrounding plants.

Prevention is Key

Just like with human health, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to trees. Regularly inspecting your trees for any signs of sickness can help catch problems early on and prevent them from spreading. Maintaining proper tree care, such as watering and fertilizing, can also help keep your trees healthy and less susceptible to diseases. Additionally, avoiding damaging practices such as over-pruning or using lawn equipment too close to the tree’s roots can also prevent unnecessary stress on the tree.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, keeping an eye out for symptoms of tree diseases is essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem and preserving our leafy friends. Some common signs to look out for include changes in leaf color, wilting or decaying branches, and root issues. It is crucial to take immediate action if you notice any of these symptoms and consult a professional arborist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

By staying proactive and following good tree care practices, we can ensure the longevity of our trees and the well-being of our environment. So, the next time you take a stroll in nature, remember to keep an eye out for any signs of a sick tree and do your part in keeping our green spaces healthy and thriving.

Are you in need of expert tree services for your landscaping trees? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers all throughout the surrounding Indy areas.

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Tree Health Inspections: Why They Are Important and How to Conduct Them

Ensuring the health and longevity of the trees in our environments is a responsibility that often goes overlooked. Yet, this task is crucial, offering significant benefits not only for our individual landscapes, but also for our local ecosystems and the planet as a whole. One key component of tree care is regular tree health inspections, a proactive measure to identify and mitigate potential issues such as tree diseases.

Conducting these inspections helps to maintain the beauty and health of our trees, and in this blog, we delve into the importance of tree health inspections and guide you through the process of conducting them effectively. So, let’s branch out in our understanding of tree care.

Call 317-348-0811 For Tree Health Inspection in Indianapolis IN
Call 317-348-0811 For Tree Health Inspection in Indianapolis IN

The Importance of Tree Health Inspections

Tree health inspections are essential for several reasons. First and foremost, they allow us to detect any problems with our trees at an early stage. Just like humans, trees can also get sick. And if left untreated, these issues can spread quickly and even result in the death of the tree. With regular inspections, we can identify and address any problems before they escalate, saving the tree and potentially avoiding costly treatments or removals.

Moreover, trees play a vital role in our environment – they provide us with clean air, shade, and contribute to biodiversity. Conducting health inspections helps ensure that our trees continue to thrive and fulfill these critical functions. Early detection of tree diseases can prevent them from spreading to other trees, maintaining the health and balance of our ecosystems. Furthermore, healthy trees are more resilient to environmental stressors such as extreme weather conditions or pest infestations. By conducting regular inspections, we can keep our trees strong and robust, increasing their chances of survival during challenging times.

How to Conduct Tree Health Inspections

Now that we understand the importance of tree health inspections, let’s discuss how to conduct them effectively. Ideally, tree health inspections should be done by a certified arborist who has the expertise and knowledge to identify any potential issues accurately. However, as tree owners, we can also conduct basic visual checks on our trees regularly. Here are some steps to follow when conducting a tree health inspection:

► Start with a general overview of the tree, looking for any obvious signs of distress such as discoloration or dead branches.

► Check the trunk and bark for any cracks, holes, or fungus growth.

► Inspect the branches and leaves, looking for any abnormalities or pests.

► Pay attention to the root zone and check for issues like root rot or girdling roots.

► Keep a record of your findings, including any abnormalities or changes compared to previous inspections.

If you notice any significant problems during your inspection, it is best to consult a certified arborist for further evaluation and treatment recommendations.

Common Tree Diseases in Indiana

While tree diseases can be prevalent in any area, each region has its specific types of diseases to watch out for. In Indiana, some common tree diseases include:

Oak Wilt: Oak wilt is a fungal disease that affects oak trees and can result in their death.

Dutch Elm Disease: A vascular disease caused by a fungus that affects elm trees and can lead to their decline.

Anthracnose: A fungal disease that affects many tree species, causing leaf discoloration and defoliation.

Emerald Ash Borer: Emerald Ash Borers are an invasive beetle species that attacks and kills ash trees.

To protect trees from these diseases, regular inspections are essential. If you suspect any of your trees may be affected by a disease, it is crucial to act quickly and seek professional help to prevent the spread.


Tree health inspections may seem like a small task, but they have significant benefits for both individual trees and the larger environment. By conducting regular inspections, we can detect and address any problems early on, ensuring the survival of our trees and contributing to a healthier planet. So, let’s all do our part in caring for our trees and the environment by conducting regular tree health inspections. Remember, healthy trees lead to a healthier world.  So, go out there and give your trees some love! 

Are you looking for professional tree care near Indy? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured seasonal tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree care solutions at economical prices.

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Tips for Protecting Your Trees From Wind Damage

Wind damage can be a serious threat to the health and longevity of your trees. Strong winds, especially in storm-prone areas, can break branches, uproot entire trees, and cause significant damage to your property.

But fear not, there are proactive steps you can take to shield your trees from these destructive forces. This blog will guide you through some key tree protection strategies, focusing on tree care practices and specific techniques like tree cabling and bracing. Let’s dive in and learn how you can fortify your trees against the might of the wind.

Call 317-348-0811 for Indianapolis Tree Trimming and Tree Removal
Call 317-348-0811 for Indianapolis Tree Trimming and Tree Removal

How Strong Winds Can Threaten Tree Health and Safety

Strong winds caused by windstorms can have serious consequences on the health and safety of trees. The destructive force of these winds can cause bark splitting, tree uprooting, broken branches, and other forms of bark damages that can impact the overall health of a tree. Even trees that are healthy and well-maintained can be threatened by strong winds, as the force can affect the root system and structural integrity of the tree. It’s important to take preventative measures such as trimming and pruning to ensure that trees are strong enough to withstand these powerful winds. As tree owners, we must be vigilant and take the necessary precautions to protect these valuable assets from the dangers of strong winds.

How to Protect Trees Against Harsh Winds and Storms

Pruning and Maintenance

The most effective way to protect your trees from wind damage is to ensure they are healthy and structurally sound. Regular pruning and maintenance are essential for keeping your trees in top condition, so make sure you keep up with this important task. Strategically removing dead wood, reducing crown size, and thinning out canopies will reduce the risk of wind damage.

If you have large trees near roads or buildings, it’s also a good idea to contact an ISA-certified arborist. They can help assess your tree’s condition and provide specific recommendations for improving its health and making it more resistant to strong winds.

Tree Cabling and Bracing

If pruning and maintenance are not enough to protect your trees from wind damage, you may need the assistance of more advanced techniques like tree cabling and bracing. These two methods use metal cables or rods to create extra support for branches or entire trees that are structurally weak due to age, size, decay, or other reasons. Cables provide tension between two branches, while braces connect a branch to the main trunk. Both are important for protecting trees from wind damage and helping them withstand high winds.

However, it’s important to remember that tree cabling and bracing should only be done by a professional arborist. Incorrectly installed cables or braces can actually do more harm than good, so be sure to hire an experienced certified tree service company to take on this task.

Wrapping Up

Taking steps to protect your trees from wind damage is essential for keeping them healthy and ensuring their longevity. Pruning and maintenance are the first line of defense, but if your tree requires a bit more support you may need to seek out specialized techniques like tree cabling and bracing. No matter which strategy you choose, be sure to contact an ISA-certified arborist who can provide professional advice based on your specific situation. With their help, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that your trees are safe from strong winds and other severe weather conditions.

Were your landscaping trees hit by severe storms recently? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured storm damage tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also provide full-service tree pruning and trimming, plus tree removal for both residential and commercial customers.

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When to Remove a Tree From Your Property

There are several reasons why a tree may need to be removed on a property.  Potential dangers, complications, and other circumstances can come as a result of poor tree care.  It is important to take caution of a tree that requires removal on a commercial or residential property.  This is because a tree that needs removed is most likely a tree that is a threat. 

Continue reading to learn when you might need to remove trees on your property, plus how to get started with a free tree removal bid in Indianapolis.

Indianapolis Tree Removal Service 317-348-0811
Indianapolis Tree Removal Service 317-348-0811

Cases That Call for Tree Removal Service

Dead Trees

The most obvious reason for a tree to be cut down or removed is because it is dead.  Dead trees can pose a variety of potential problems, and even dangers.  For example, a dead tree can fall over onto a person’s property, or their neighbor’s property, and cause a significant amount of structural damage.  A dead tree loses stability every day.  Harsh winds or storms can easily know one down at any moment.  No one wants their children or pets to be a victim of a fallen tree.  If a tree is dead, it needs to be removed immediately.


Another reason to remove dead trees, or other trees, is for aesthetic value.  A dead tree is an ugly tree; and a tree obstructing a beautiful pond view is an unwanted tree.  These are two common reasons to remove trees from a property.  The appearance of a yard or property is greatly increased with well-kept landscaping.  Trees are a beautiful part of nature, but they can sometimes just be in the way.

Growth Rate

Some trees can grow to be very large and very old.  Oak trees, for example can grow to extreme widths and lengths.  If the tree is close to a home or building, overtime, this could pose a problem.  The tree roots can become obtrusive to plumbing pipes and foundations.  This can be costly to repair. 

Tree Diseases

A diseased or dying tree is another red flag.  Trees that are infested or sick need to be removed to prevent further contamination.  Insects like fire ants and Emerald Ash Borers inhabit and kill trees. Other tree diseases are harmful and can greatly reduce the likelihood of new tree growth, like oak wilt, blight, leaf scorch, cankers, and more.

Tree Hazards

Sometimes, trees need to be removed because they pose certain risks or hazards. Examples include leaning trees, damaged trees, sick trees, or trees that are obstructed important assets or edifices. If any of the trees on your property exhibit signs of poor health or potential hazard, contact a local Indianapolis tree service company for a professional inspection. They will use a comprehensive approach to examine all conditions and factors surrounding your tree and make qualified recommendations for your best course of action. In most cases, the best course of action is to remove a dangerous tree. In some cases, a tree can be staked or braced to create stability.

If you have a questionable tree on your property that might need to be removed, you are on the right track. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree removal service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers all throughout the surrounding Indy areas.

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4 Environmental Factors That Can Delay or Stop Tree Growth

There are various problems that can arise when it comes to planting and caring for trees.  Trees are valuable and beautiful amenities to have on your property, so it can be a troubling thought to know certain factors can stunt tree growth.  For many homeowners, trees can represent tradition and family, growing high into the sky for decades upon decades.  That is why people plant trees; to see them grow! 

So as a homeowner, be sure to know how to care for your trees and protect them from the things that can prevent them from living long and healthy lives.

Tree Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Tree Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Top Causes for Stunted Tree Growth

Lack of Sunlight

Trees need sunlight to grow, sustain, and produce oxygen.  If a tree is denied a certain degree of sunlight, then the growth will inevitably suffer.  Sunlight is food for trees.  They need it to survive and to remain healthy.  If a large building is suddenly erected next door to your adolescent trees, their growth rate may reduce more and more, every season.  On top of this example, trees can be denied sunlight in other ways.  Storms, overcast, and larger trees can block other trees from receiving enough rays as well.

Animals and Insects

There are a few species of insects, animals, and living organisms that use the nutrients derived from trees to sustain their own lives and growth patterns.  In this situation, the tree may not be able to grow at its potential rate because it is not getting all of the nutrients it generally requires.  This relationship between creature and tree is not enough to kill a tree, but certainly stunt its growth.  Another scenario involves infestations. 

Certain insects can use trees as hosts and hives, putting the tree at risk of disease or death.  This type of relationship will immediately stop the growth of a tree and even begin killing it along the way.  The most common pests known to do this to trees include tree borers, female scale insects, aphids, and Elm Leaf beetles. Fungal outbreaks are also detrimental to tree health.

Lack of Water

Just like everything living thing on Earth, trees need water to grow.  If they do not get the amount of water they need to survive, they will eventually die.  If a tree’s water source becomes restricted, the tree can survive, but growth and longevity are not likely.  Trees need nutrients, sunlight, water, and minor maintenance to thrive on any residential property.  A drought, bad weather, water source obstruction, or root damage can all be causes for water depletion in trees.

Have you lost some trees on your property? Do you need to have trees in poor health or decline? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree removal in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial tree work, as well as free estimates and advice.

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How to Prevent Lightning Strikes to Landscaping Trees

Spring is the time for rain, and as of recently, storms as well, abundant with torrential downpours, lightning, and thunder. Although rain and thunder are not really threats to your property, lightning strikes are. And lightning is especially attracted to trees. If you are concerned about the safety of your landscaping trees this season, add some things to your tree care to-do list to protect them against lightning damage.

Continue reading to learn a strategic tree care method that can effectively prevent lightning strikes to trees, plus what to do if a tree sadly falls subject to one.

Tree Removal Contractor Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Tree Removal Contractor Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Tree Protection is an Essential Part of Tree Care

Trees are important assets, adding both appeal and function to our properties. Not only do trees make our landscapes look nicer, but they also provide protection against wind, snow, excessive sun exposure, and much more. One of the most essential elements of a tree care plan is tree protection. When it comes to lightning strikes, sadly, most trees don’t survive. So, if you live in a region like Indiana that sees a lot of rainstorms, it is wise to incorporate lightning strike protection to abate the risk.

Why Do Trees Get Struck By Lightning?

Trees are common targets of lightning strikes because they are excellent conductors of electricity. Trees are filled with water, which is a prime electrical conductor. Also, trees are tall, and reach great heights in the sky. This tends to put them at the front of the line when it comes to a lightning bolt striking from above.

Lightning Strike Prevention for Trees

The number one method of preventing lightning strikes in trees that involves installing a copper cable that is connected to a lightning rod. This rod is attached to the tip of the tree and is designed to attract and divert electrical currents coming from lightning in the sky. The copper cable runs down a copper pole that is staked in the ground next to the tree but outside of the tree’s drip line. The cable should never be attached directly to the tree. In fact, the tree is typically fitted with specialized fasteners that prevent any contact from happening.

It is not recommended to install lightning strike prevention systems yourself. Although lightning strike protection for trees can come with an expensive price tag, the mitigation of lightning strike damage to your landscaping trees is an essential strategy toward increasing your property’s resale value.

If your tree was struck by lightning, is it wise to have it removed for reasons of safety, but to also prevent pest infestations. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree removal service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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Reasons Why Your Tree Died Over Winter

Now that Spring is upon us, plants and buds are sprouting every day. But if your tree is still behind on bud or leaf production by the end of April, it could mean that it died over the winter. Now, if your tree turned orange or brown, you can safely assume it’s gone. Although you gave your tree all the attention and care necessary for healthy growth, sometimes there are certain factors at play that are simply out of your control.

Continue reading to learn some reasons why your tree might’ve died, and what you should do if you have a dead tree on your property.

Dead Tree Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Dead Tree Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Why Trees Usually Die

Although there are several reasons why tree can die, usually more than one, the causes behind tree deaths can be narrowed down to four factors: catastrophic events, environmental conditions, pests and diseases, and old age. Obviously, catastrophic events are rare, and include incidents like earthquakes, forest fires, hurricanes, explosions, car accidents, and more. Again, these are rare, and trees dying more commonly due to internal conditions, pests and illness, and old age. Most often, landscaping trees experience distress and eventually die as a result of negligent tree care.

Environmental Conditions

Environmental conditions include things like poor soil quality, droughts, lack of sunlight, grading, water drainage, pollution, storms, inclement weather, and more. These can influence the tree’s ability to thrive by obstructing water and nutrient intake and making it more vulnerable to pest infestations and disease. Of course, there are things you can do to help the trees thrive during times of drought, poor drainage, and the weather. It is important to discuss tree care with your local Indianapolis tree service company for professional advice and information on tree protection.

Pests and Diseases

Trees are susceptible to a wide variety of pest infestations, wildlife damage, and diseases. Diseases are very common tree killers, including blights, fungal growth, root rot, and more. Pests like borer beetles and termites will quickly deteriorate trees health. Even nuisance wildlife likes squirrels, woodpeckers, and more can damage trees health. Again, you need licensed and insured Indianapolis tree service contractor for help managing dying or distressed trees.

Old Age

Most often, trees die simply of old age. Although trees can live hundreds of years, they do eventually expire. However, the process is very slow and even take centuries to complete. If you suspect that your trees dying, it is important to have a licensed tree service company in Indianapolis inspect your tree and assess and safety concerns it may pose to your property. It is strongly recommended to have dead or dying trees removed as soon as possible.

If your tree is dead, now is a good time to have it removed. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree removal service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers all throughout the surrounding Indy areas.

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