Now that Spring is upon us, plants and buds are sprouting every day. But if your tree is still behind on bud or leaf production by the end of April, it could mean that it died over the winter. Now, if your tree turned orange or brown, you can safely assume it’s gone. Although you gave your tree all the attention and care necessary for healthy growth, sometimes there are certain factors at play that are simply out of your control.
Continue reading to learn some reasons why your tree might’ve died, and what you should do if you have a dead tree on your property.

Why Trees Usually Die
Although there are several reasons why tree can die, usually more than one, the causes behind tree deaths can be narrowed down to four factors: catastrophic events, environmental conditions, pests and diseases, and old age. Obviously, catastrophic events are rare, and include incidents like earthquakes, forest fires, hurricanes, explosions, car accidents, and more. Again, these are rare, and trees dying more commonly due to internal conditions, pests and illness, and old age. Most often, landscaping trees experience distress and eventually die as a result of negligent tree care.
Environmental Conditions
Environmental conditions include things like poor soil quality, droughts, lack of sunlight, grading, water drainage, pollution, storms, inclement weather, and more. These can influence the tree’s ability to thrive by obstructing water and nutrient intake and making it more vulnerable to pest infestations and disease. Of course, there are things you can do to help the trees thrive during times of drought, poor drainage, and the weather. It is important to discuss tree care with your local Indianapolis tree service company for professional advice and information on tree protection.
Pests and Diseases
Trees are susceptible to a wide variety of pest infestations, wildlife damage, and diseases. Diseases are very common tree killers, including blights, fungal growth, root rot, and more. Pests like borer beetles and termites will quickly deteriorate trees health. Even nuisance wildlife likes squirrels, woodpeckers, and more can damage trees health. Again, you need licensed and insured Indianapolis tree service contractor for help managing dying or distressed trees.
Old Age
Most often, trees die simply of old age. Although trees can live hundreds of years, they do eventually expire. However, the process is very slow and even take centuries to complete. If you suspect that your trees dying, it is important to have a licensed tree service company in Indianapolis inspect your tree and assess and safety concerns it may pose to your property. It is strongly recommended to have dead or dying trees removed as soon as possible.
If your tree is dead, now is a good time to have it removed. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree removal service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers all throughout the surrounding Indy areas.
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