Hidden Dangers in Your Yard: Identifying and Managing Hazardous Trees

In the bucolic tranquility of your backyard, tall trees swaying in the breeze paint a picturesque setting. But what if some of those trees pose a hidden danger? For homeowners, garden enthusiasts, and those with a keen eye on safety, understanding and addressing hazardous trees is not just about landscape aesthetics – it’s a crucial element of responsible property care.

Neglecting a potentially hazardous tree in your yard can lead to a host of issues, from property damage to personal injury, and even legal liabilities. This guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge and resources necessary to manage the health and safety of the trees on your property effectively.

Call 317-348-0811 for Hazardous Tree Removal in Indianapolis
Call 317-348-0811 for Hazardous Tree Removal in Indianapolis

Identifying Tree Hazards

Knowing what to look for is the first line of defense in ensuring the trees on your property don’t become a hazard. Signs of potential danger can be subtle or glaringly obvious and may include dead or hanging branches, power line interference, peeling bark, or a noticeable lean. A basic risk assessment entails observing the physical condition of the tree–are the branches balanced? Is the trunk straight and fully upright? Are there any visible signs of decay, or evidence of recent damage? If the answer to these questions is a cause for concern, it’s time to take action.

The Potential Consequences of Tree Neglect

Ignoring a hazardous tree is a dangerous gamble. In the event of a severe storm or even a moderate gust of wind, a structurally compromised tree could shed heavy limbs or even topple entirely. This can result in damage not only to your property but also to vehicles, utilities, and neighboring structures, not to mention potential injury to anyone in the vicinity. Beyond the immediate risks, homeowners and building owners incur legal liabilities if they are found negligent in maintaining trees that cause harm or damage.

Fallen or Uprooted Trees

The nightmare scenario of a hazardous tree colliding with a home or causing injury may seem remote, but the aftermath of such an event is complicated and potentially devastating. Insurance claims, repair costs, and the emotional toll of the incident can be avoided through simple vigilance and timely action.

Your Role as a Responsible Property Owner

The legal dimension of hazardous trees cannot be overstated. If a tree on your property injures a passerby or damages a neighbor’s fence, you are likely to be held accountable. Being proactive about tree health can shield you from these financial and legal burdens.

Tree Removal and Maintenance Services

Fortunately, the management of hazardous trees is not a solitary task. Professional tree care services specialize in the assessment, maintenance, and when necessary, the removal of hazardous trees. Arborists and tree care professionals are skilled in the art of keeping trees both beautiful and safe. Their services include regular inspection, disease treatment, and the subtle art of strategic pruning to maintain the health and structural integrity of trees.

Selecting the Right Tree Care Expert

When choosing a service provider, ensure they are certified and insured. Evaluate their track record by asking for customer references and checking online reviews. A reputable tree care company will be transparent about costs, timelines, and the recommended scope of work.

Preservation First

In cases where a tree is in need of substantial care, consider alternatives to outright removal. Cable and brace systems, for instance, can be used to extend the life of a tree by mitigating the risk of limb failure in high-wind conditions.


In the serene environment of your backyard, trees stand as silent guardians, contributors to the landscape’s beauty, and vital players in our ecosystem. However, the responsibility of ensuring these natural monuments do not turn into hazards falls on each property owner’s shoulders. Identifying the signs of a dangerous tree early, understanding the legal implications of negligence, and taking proactive steps towards tree health and safety can prevent potential disasters.

By partnering with professional arborists and tree care experts, homeowners can secure not just the well-being of their trees but also the safety and aesthetics of their property. This guide aims to empower homeowners with the knowledge to make informed decisions about tree care, emphasizing that prevention is always better than dealing with the aftermath of a neglectful oversight.

Remember, in the realm of tree health and sustenance, vigilance and timely action are key. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured cable installation and bracing tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree care solutions at economical prices.

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The Impact of Inclement Weather on Tree Safety and Survival

Trees are essential components of our environment, providing us with oxygen, shade, and beauty. However, their silent contribution can often mask the significant risks they face when weather turns severe. In our homes, communities, and natural landscapes, inclement weather can be a crucial factor affecting the health, safety, and even survival of trees. This blog post explores the various types of weather that pose threats to trees, vulnerabilities that emerge, and essential strategies for protecting these natural giants.

Call 317-348-0811 for Storm Damaged Tree Removal and Cleanup in Indianapolis
Call 317-348-0811 for Storm Damaged Tree Removal and Cleanup in Indianapolis

Understanding Tree Vulnerabilities

Different types of inclement weather can affect trees in varying ways. Let’s delve into how these natural occurrences can challenge the resilience of our leafy companions.

Storms and Trees

High winds, lightning strikes, and heavy rainfall can have devastating effects on trees. Weaker trees might topple over, due to the swaying during strong gusts compromising root anchorage. Lightning, a product of these storms, can lead to fires and severe burns on the trunks of trees, potentially killing them. In addition, storms bring about flying debris which might inflict wounds on the tree or branches, creating pathways for diseases and pests.

Drought and Trees

Prolonged periods of drought stress trees, making them more susceptible to pests and diseases. A lack of water often leads to reduced growth, leaf wilting, and, in extreme cases, tree death. Younger trees are particularly vulnerable as their root systems have not yet fully developed to search for water deeper in the soil. Check out some drought-tolerant tree species recommended for the Midwest.

Frost and Freeze Events

For regions that experience cold winters, frost and freeze events can damage the sensitive tissues of trees. The rapid expansion of water freezes inside cells, causing them to burst. This can lead to bark splitting, dieback of branches, or in severe cases, the death of the tree. It’s not just the freezing temperatures that pose a threat; sudden temperature changes can be equally damaging.

Common Tree Weaknesses in Extreme Weather Conditions

During severe weather, certain weaknesses in trees can become more pronounced.

Root Systems and Anchorage

Healthy root systems are essential for tree anchorage and absorbing water and nutrients. Shallow roots or root damage from construction or compaction can make trees more prone to uprooting during storms. Understanding the root system of a tree is critical to its stability in changing weather patterns.

Trunk and Branch Structure

The integrity of the trunk and main branches is crucial in withstanding the forces of nature. Cracks, cavities, and weak branch unions increase the likelihood of storm damage, as these are points of potential failure. Regular inspection of these areas can help identify weak spots, allowing for timely remedies.

Canopy Density and Wind Resistance

A dense canopy can act as a sail, increasing a tree’s chances of toppling over in high winds. Thinning the canopy through proper pruning can reduce wind resistance and minimize the risk of windthrow, a process where the wind uproots the tree by toppling it.

Mitigation Strategies for Tree Safety and Survival

Mitigating the impact of inclement weather on trees requires a combination of preemptive measures and active steps to protect them during severe events.

Proper Tree Selection and Placement

Selecting the right tree species for your area and placement can significantly reduce the risks associated with weather. Native species are often well-adapted to local conditions and provide a better chance of survival. Avoid planting large trees close to structures or utility lines, which could lead to damage if they fall.

Regular Tree Maintenance Practices

Routine tree care, such as pruning, mulching, and watering, helps maintain the health and strength of trees. Pruning can eliminate deadwood and structurally unsound branches, preventing them from becoming projectiles during storms. Proper mulching retains soil moisture and insulates roots, while regular watering can help trees survive drought conditions.

Protection Measures During Severe Weather Events

In the event of an impending storm, certain measures can be taken to protect trees. Installing cables and bracing rods can provide support to weak branches or multi-trunk trees, reducing the risk of structural failure. Staking young trees can also help them remain upright in high winds until their roots are established.


Trees are resilient, but they are not invincible. When the weather turns harsh, it’s crucial to take steps to protect these invaluable parts of our environment. Understanding the vulnerabilities that weather can exacerbate in trees is the first step towards effective protection. Through proper selection, maintenance, and proactive strategies, we can ensure that our trees not only weather the storm but continue to thrive for generations to come.

As a homeowner, business owner, or nature enthusiast, you play a vital role in safeguarding the natural environment. By sharing this knowledge with your community and taking action to protect trees, you can contribute to a safer and more sustainable world. Remember, the health of our ecosystem is in every leaf, branch, and root we nurture.

Take the first step in tree safety today, and let it send roots of environmental stewardship deep into our collective future. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured storm protection and repair for trees in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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Defying the Freeze: Protecting Your Trees in Indiana Winters

As the winter season rolls in, Indiana’s landscapes transition into a frosty tableau. This frigid season, while beautiful, can be harsh on our towering green friends. Understanding winter tree care is vital to ensure the survival and thriving of these nature’s giants during the cold months.

This blog post aims to guide you through the essentials of tree protection, helping prevent tree damage that Indiana winters can inflict. So, buckle up and let’s embark on this journey of safeguarding our trees against the freeze!

Call 317-348-0811 for Winter Tree Service Near Indianapolis
Call 317-348-0811 for Winter Tree Service Near Indianapolis

What You Need to Know About Winter Tree Care

Trees are vulnerable during the winter months, especially when temperatures drop well below freezing. The most common cause of tree damage in winter is frost cracks, which occur when outer layers of bark freeze and contract faster than the inner layers. This stress leads to vertical cracks, leaving trees susceptible to diseases and insects. Moreover, snow and ice can accumulate on branches, putting them at risk of breaking under the extra weight. To protect trees from these potential hazards, there are a few things you should do.

Mulch is Your Best Friend

Mulch is extremely beneficial for winter tree care. A layer of mulch around the base of your trees acts as insulation, keeping the roots warm and protecting them from temperature fluctuations. It also helps retain moisture in the soil, which is crucial during winter when the ground can freeze and become too dry for trees to absorb water.

Wrap Your Trees

For young or newly planted trees, wrapping them with burlap or tree guards can provide much-needed protection against harsh winds and snow accumulation. These materials act as a barrier, shielding trees from the elements and preventing frost cracks and other forms of damage.

Prune with Caution

Pruning is an essential part of tree care, but it should be done carefully during winter. Pruning too much can weaken trees, making them more susceptible to cold temperatures and strong winds. It’s best to wait until spring before doing any major pruning. However, if you notice any damaged or broken branches, those should be removed promptly to prevent further damage.

Water Your Trees

Although it may seem counterintuitive, watering trees during winter is necessary for their survival. This step is especially crucial for newly planted and evergreen trees. During the cold months, trees rely on stored water in their roots to stay hydrated. However, if the ground is frozen, they cannot absorb any moisture. Therefore, it’s important to water your trees deeply and thoroughly before the ground freezes.

Bonus Tips for Tree Protection:

► Avoid using rock salt or other deicing agents around trees as they can damage their roots and increase soil erosion.

► If you have fruit trees in your yard, make sure to pick any ripe fruit before the first frost to avoid attracting hungry animals.

► If you live in an area prone to heavy snowfall, consider wrapping your trees with burlap or tree guards before the first snowfall.


Winter tree care is essential for the survival and health of our trees. By following these tips, you can protect your trees from potential damage caused by freezing temperatures and harsh winter weather. Remember, trees are a valuable asset to our environment and communities, so it’s worth putting in a little extra effort to safeguard them during the cold months. So, let’s defy the freeze and ensure our trees thrive all year round!

Remember, it’s always better to be proactive and take preventative measures rather than waiting for an issue to arise before seeking help. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured winter tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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Tips for Protecting Your Trees From Wind Damage

Wind damage can be a serious threat to the health and longevity of your trees. Strong winds, especially in storm-prone areas, can break branches, uproot entire trees, and cause significant damage to your property.

But fear not, there are proactive steps you can take to shield your trees from these destructive forces. This blog will guide you through some key tree protection strategies, focusing on tree care practices and specific techniques like tree cabling and bracing. Let’s dive in and learn how you can fortify your trees against the might of the wind.

Call 317-348-0811 for Indianapolis Tree Trimming and Tree Removal
Call 317-348-0811 for Indianapolis Tree Trimming and Tree Removal

How Strong Winds Can Threaten Tree Health and Safety

Strong winds caused by windstorms can have serious consequences on the health and safety of trees. The destructive force of these winds can cause bark splitting, tree uprooting, broken branches, and other forms of bark damages that can impact the overall health of a tree. Even trees that are healthy and well-maintained can be threatened by strong winds, as the force can affect the root system and structural integrity of the tree. It’s important to take preventative measures such as trimming and pruning to ensure that trees are strong enough to withstand these powerful winds. As tree owners, we must be vigilant and take the necessary precautions to protect these valuable assets from the dangers of strong winds.

How to Protect Trees Against Harsh Winds and Storms

Pruning and Maintenance

The most effective way to protect your trees from wind damage is to ensure they are healthy and structurally sound. Regular pruning and maintenance are essential for keeping your trees in top condition, so make sure you keep up with this important task. Strategically removing dead wood, reducing crown size, and thinning out canopies will reduce the risk of wind damage.

If you have large trees near roads or buildings, it’s also a good idea to contact an ISA-certified arborist. They can help assess your tree’s condition and provide specific recommendations for improving its health and making it more resistant to strong winds.

Tree Cabling and Bracing

If pruning and maintenance are not enough to protect your trees from wind damage, you may need the assistance of more advanced techniques like tree cabling and bracing. These two methods use metal cables or rods to create extra support for branches or entire trees that are structurally weak due to age, size, decay, or other reasons. Cables provide tension between two branches, while braces connect a branch to the main trunk. Both are important for protecting trees from wind damage and helping them withstand high winds.

However, it’s important to remember that tree cabling and bracing should only be done by a professional arborist. Incorrectly installed cables or braces can actually do more harm than good, so be sure to hire an experienced certified tree service company to take on this task.

Wrapping Up

Taking steps to protect your trees from wind damage is essential for keeping them healthy and ensuring their longevity. Pruning and maintenance are the first line of defense, but if your tree requires a bit more support you may need to seek out specialized techniques like tree cabling and bracing. No matter which strategy you choose, be sure to contact an ISA-certified arborist who can provide professional advice based on your specific situation. With their help, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that your trees are safe from strong winds and other severe weather conditions.

Were your landscaping trees hit by severe storms recently? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured storm damage tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also provide full-service tree pruning and trimming, plus tree removal for both residential and commercial customers.

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5 Easy Steps to Take After Stormy Weather Damages Your Trees

The aftermath of a storm can be devastating for your trees. Heavy winds, hail, and lightning can all cause damage to the branches or even topple them completely. If you’ve been hit by a storm recently, you need to act quickly in order to protect your trees from further harm and ensure they recover as best as possible. Continue reading to learn a quick and easy homeowners’ guide for dealing with storm damages to landscaping trees after severe weather.  

Call 317-348-0811 for Professional Storm Damage Tree Service in Indianapolis
Call 317-348-0811 for Professional Storm Damage Tree Service in Indianapolis

How Severe Weather Can Damage a Tree

Severe weather with rough winds, hail, and lightning strikes can be disastrous for trees. Not only do strong winds have the potential to break branches or uproot whole trees, but the constant pounding of hail on leaves and bark can cause significant damage to the tree. Additionally, lightning strikes can result in instant tree death or slowly damage the tree over time, making it more prone to disease and insect infestation. Ultimately, the effects of a bad storm can leave a tree vulnerable to further damage and make it difficult for the tree to fully recover.

A Guide for Dealing With Storm Damaged Trees

Storms can cause severe damage to your trees, with strong winds, hail, and lightning posing a threat to their branches. If your area has recently experienced a storm, it’s important to take swift action to safeguard your trees from additional harm and promote their recovery.

Here are five easy steps that will help you get started on the road to recovery after stormy weather damages your trees:

1. Assess the Damage: Immediately after a storm, it’s important to survey the damage and take note of any broken or leaning branches, as well as any signs of disease or insect infestation. If you notice anything abnormal in your trees, call an arborist for help.

2. Remove Debris: Stormy weather can leave behind debris that may be hazardous to your trees if left for too long. Be sure to remove any fallen limbs, leaves, or other debris around the tree in order to protect it from further harm.

3. Prune Away Dead Branches: Pruning away dead wood is essential for preventing decay and promoting healthy growth in a damaged tree. Before pruning, make sure to call a certified arborist for help.

4. Mulch and Water: Adding mulch around the tree’s base can help retain moisture and improve soil health over time. Make sure to regularly water your tree with deep, slow-running water in order to replenish lost nutrients.

5. Add Protection: To protect your trees from further storm damage, consider adding extra reinforcements such as tree stakes or guy wires. Make sure to follow all local building regulations when doing so.

Tree Protection From Storms and Strong Winds is Important

Following these five steps can greatly reduce the amount of damage incurred by stormy weather and ensure that your trees are given every chance to recover quickly and effectively. If you have any questions about how best to care for your damaged trees, don’t hesitate to contact a local tree service company in Indianapolis for advice. With the right knowledge and care, you can help ensure that your trees remain healthy and strong long after the storm is gone.

Did your trees suffer damage from the recent severe storms? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured storm damage tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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Preparing Your Trees For Storms: What You Need To Know

Spring is right around the corner, and we know that means storm season. When stormy weather hits, your trees are at risk of serious storm damage. Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t think about tree care until it’s too late and the storm has already caused irreparable harm to their beloved trees. But with a few proactive steps, you can take control of the situation and minimize storm damage to your property.

In this blog post, we will discuss what you need to know in order to prepare your trees for storms and keep them safe from potential danger. We will cover topics such as recognizing warning signs of weakness or instability in trees, proper pruning techniques that improve storm resistance, and when it might be necessary to call a professional tree service for assistance. By following these tips and taking action before severe weather strikes, you can help protect your property from costly storm-related damage.

Call 317-348-0811 for Storm Damage Tree Service in Indianapolis
Call 317-348-0811 for Storm Damage Tree Service in Indianapolis

Recognizing Warning Signs of Potential Storm Damage

The first step in storm preparation is to identify any potential storm hazards before they become a problem. If you notice any signs of weakness or instability, such as cracking or splitting branches, it may be time to call in a professional tree service for assessment and advice. Weak trees are more likely to suffer storm damage due to strong winds and heavy rains.

Proper Pruning Techniques

Proper pruning techniques can help strengthen your trees and make them more storm-resistant. It’s important to remember that incorrect pruning techniques can actually do more harm than good, so if you aren’t sure what you’re doing, its best to hire an experienced Indianapolis tree service to help.

When to Call a Professional Tree Service

If you have any doubts or questions about storm preparation for your trees, it’s best to consult with a professional tree service. They can provide valuable advice and insight that can save you time, money, and heartache in the long run. In some cases, such as when trees are too large or weak for pruning, tree removal may be necessary to protect your property from storm damage. A certified arborist will be able to make the best assessment of the situation and suggest the most appropriate course of action.

Protect Your Trees From Spring Storm Damage

By following these tips and taking an active role in storm preparation for your trees, you can help minimize storm damage and keep your property safe. If you have any questions or concerns, it’s always best to consult with a professional tree service for advice and assistance.  With the right storm preparation and proactive steps, you can help protect your trees from storm damage and help keep your property safe.

Were your landscaping trees hit by severe storms recently? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured storm damage tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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Tips for Caring for Evergreen Trees During the Winter

Winter is a tough time for evergreen trees and conifers, as they are especially vulnerable to cold temperatures and winter weather conditions. If you have evergreen or conifer trees in your yard, it’s important to take extra care of them during the winter months. Here are some tips on how to properly care for evergreens and conifer trees during winter so that they can thrive throughout the season.

Call 317-348-0811 For Evergreen Tree Service in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-348-0811 For Evergreen Tree Service in Indianapolis Indiana.

Evergreen Tree Care Considerations For Wintertime

Harsh Seasonal Winds

Winter winds can be particularly damaging to evergreens and conifers, so you may want to consider wrapping your trees in burlap or shade cloth. This will provide extra protection against winter gusts and help keep the tree’s foliage from drying out. If possible, try to avoid planting evergreen trees in areas that get especially harsh winter winds.

Changing Climates

Winter temperature fluctuations can also be hard on evergreens and conifers. If you live in an area where winter temperatures drop below freezing for extended periods of time, make sure to water your trees during winter months. This will help keep the tree hydrated and reduce the chances of it becoming winter-stressed. Additionally, you may want to consider mulching around the base of your evergreen or conifer tree with a layer of organic material such as wood chips or bark pieces. This will help the roots stay insulated from winter temperatures.

Snow, Sleet, and Ice

Winter snow can be beneficial for evergreen and conifer trees if it is managed properly. It’s important to make sure that winter snow doesn’t pile up around the tree, as this can smother its roots and cause damage. If necessary, you may need to use a shovel or rake to clear away any excess winter snow from the base of your evergreen or conifer tree.

Get Advice on Winter Tree Care in Indianapolis

Following these winter care tips can help ensure that your evergreen and conifer trees stay healthy throughout the winter season. If you’re unsure how to properly winterize your trees, you may want to consult a professional tree care company in Indianapolis for advice. With the right winter care, your evergreen and conifer trees will be able to thrive even in the winter months.

Are you seeking a dependable tree service provider that can offer cost-effective and reliable winter tree care for your residential or commercial property? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured winter season tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We provide comprehensive tree service solutions at economical prices.

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How to Prevent Lightning Strikes to Landscaping Trees

Spring is the time for rain, and as of recently, storms as well, abundant with torrential downpours, lightning, and thunder. Although rain and thunder are not really threats to your property, lightning strikes are. And lightning is especially attracted to trees. If you are concerned about the safety of your landscaping trees this season, add some things to your tree care to-do list to protect them against lightning damage.

Continue reading to learn a strategic tree care method that can effectively prevent lightning strikes to trees, plus what to do if a tree sadly falls subject to one.

Tree Removal Contractor Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Tree Removal Contractor Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Tree Protection is an Essential Part of Tree Care

Trees are important assets, adding both appeal and function to our properties. Not only do trees make our landscapes look nicer, but they also provide protection against wind, snow, excessive sun exposure, and much more. One of the most essential elements of a tree care plan is tree protection. When it comes to lightning strikes, sadly, most trees don’t survive. So, if you live in a region like Indiana that sees a lot of rainstorms, it is wise to incorporate lightning strike protection to abate the risk.

Why Do Trees Get Struck By Lightning?

Trees are common targets of lightning strikes because they are excellent conductors of electricity. Trees are filled with water, which is a prime electrical conductor. Also, trees are tall, and reach great heights in the sky. This tends to put them at the front of the line when it comes to a lightning bolt striking from above.

Lightning Strike Prevention for Trees

The number one method of preventing lightning strikes in trees that involves installing a copper cable that is connected to a lightning rod. This rod is attached to the tip of the tree and is designed to attract and divert electrical currents coming from lightning in the sky. The copper cable runs down a copper pole that is staked in the ground next to the tree but outside of the tree’s drip line. The cable should never be attached directly to the tree. In fact, the tree is typically fitted with specialized fasteners that prevent any contact from happening.

It is not recommended to install lightning strike prevention systems yourself. Although lightning strike protection for trees can come with an expensive price tag, the mitigation of lightning strike damage to your landscaping trees is an essential strategy toward increasing your property’s resale value.

If your tree was struck by lightning, is it wise to have it removed for reasons of safety, but to also prevent pest infestations. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree removal service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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3 Winter Tree Damages to Watch Out For

Wintertime is not a great time for trees. Not only are they more susceptible to health and structural difficulties, but it is also more challenging for you to implement the proper inspections needed to ensure they remain in good health throughout the entirety of the season. For these reasons, it is wise to hire a professional tree service provider for all your winter tree care needs. Otherwise, your landscaping trees may fall victim to one of the top 3 most common winter tree problems.

Continue reading to learn what these common winter tree problems are, and where to find the best tree service in town.

Indianapolis Tree Service Company
Indianapolis Tree Service Company 317-348-0811

Top Tree Threats During the Winter Season

Among all of the possible problems that trees can experience in the winter, the top three you need to watch out for are cold damage, frost heaving, and seasonal drought. For each, here is a brief explanation of their causes, symptoms, and prevention strategies:

Cold Damage

The high and low seasonal temperature spectrum can greatly affect trees, especially if they are already weakened or sick. The afternoon sun can be very warm for trees, and then the nightly lows bring them back into a freeze. These changes cause a condition informally known as “cold damage”, which is often distinguishable by a wide range of symptoms, such as cracked or peeling bark, and even inner bark damage. Trees that experience late seasonal growth are more vulnerable to cold damage.

To reverse cold damage, you will need to implement a customized and strategic tree care plan with the help of an industry professional. To prevent cold damage in your landscaping trees, you will need to do the same, except ahead of time, before the winter season is upon us again next year.

Frost Heaving

Frost heaving is a typically winter tree problem, especially in regions where snow and ice are abundant. This condition starts in the soil. As the outdoor climates freeze and fluctuate, the underground water within the soil beneath trees also freezes. This occurrence develops ice in the soil, which causes the soil to swell upwards towards the base of the tree trunk. You may have seen the ramifications of this condition before in concrete, sidewalks, and pavements.  Frost heaving is a problem for tree because it weakens and damages roots, which can then make a tree more susceptible to toppling over.

Frost heaving is not something you can really prevent. If it does occur, you will need professional tree service to ensure the tree is not a hazard or liability. Routine tree care is vital to grow strong, healthy, resistant trees; if you stay on top of tree care, a tree has a better chance of surviving frost heave.

Seasonal Drought

You would think that trees get plenty of water in the winter with all of the snow, but the reality is that freezing temperatures can cause a tree to lose water reserves at a much faster rate; so fast, they cannot absorb enough water from the ground in time to replace the loss. This results in winter drought, which can be identified through a number of symptoms like branch loss, cracking bark, wildlife infestation, and death. Seasonal drought can also lead to late growth in spring, sun burnt leaves in the summer, and premature foliage loss in fall.

To help trees avoid seasonal drought, your best approach would include the assistance of a tree care professional. They have the knowledge and resources necessary to ensure your landscaping trees are healthy and ready to take on winter conditions. In addition to tree service, you can also help tree’s retain moisture through adequate mulching, year-round.

Affordable and Professional Winter Tree Service in Indianapolis

Call Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for professional year-round tree care services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We are licensed and experienced tree care contractors who offer a wide range of professional-level tree service for both residential and commercial properties all year round. Request a free estimate or assessment, today.

Timberland Tree Care Indianapolis, Indiana
Timberland Tree Care 317-348-0811

Timberland Tree Care Offers a Wide Range of Indiana Tree Services

When it comes to your property’s value and appeal, why settle for less? Timberland Tree Care knows just how important your landscaping trees are, and as leaders in the tree service industry, we provide expert tree care you can trust! Continue reading to see all the services we offer our surrounding Indianapolis towns and neighborhoods.

Timberland Tree Care Has Your Tree Service Needs Covered, Year-Round!

Timberland Tree Care Serves All of Central Indiana

Here at Timberland Tree Care, our licensed Indianapolis tree service contractors have been serving the Central Indiana communities with expert tree work for more than 30 years, and provide a wide range of both residential and commercial tree services in Central Indiana, including tree removal, tree trimming, pruning, stump removal, stump grinding, lot clearing, and a lot more!

Residential Tree Work

Our licensed tree service contractors provide tree work for all residential properties. Regardless of your property’s size and scope, we are fully equipped to provide all routine and major tree services within a time frame that’s convenient for you!

Commercial Tree Work

In addition to residential work, our company is fully equipped to take on large commercial tree projects as well. From tree and underbrush removal to storm damage clearance, stump removal, routine tree care, and more, there is nothing Timberland Tree Care can’t do for your commercial landscaping trees.

Tree Removal Service

Tree removal is our specialty. We remove trees of all sizes, shapes, and conditions, including dead trees and hard-to-access trees. Our professional, state of the art equipment can stand up to any tree that needs felling. We use a strict concentrated approach to keep you and your property safe.

Tree Trimming and Pruning

Timberland Tree Care offers a wide range of seasonal tree care services, including tree trimming, tree pruning, fertilization, topping, transplanting, and much more. Tree trimming is essentially for so many reasons, so be sure you follow up throughout the seasons, so your trees remain happy and healthy all year long.

Storm Damage Clearance

Harsh storms, strong winds, and other types of seasonal weather can cause storm damage to trees, which can be both dangerous and unattractive for any type of property. Trees can lean, limbs can break off, branches can split or fall, all of which can create dangerous hazards and obstructions. If you have a fallen, leaning, or storm damaged tree, it is important to get professional tree service as soon as possible.

Stump Removal and Stump Grinding

After a tree is removed, there is still a stump to hide. If you want your stumps hidden, Timberland Tree Care offers professional stump grinding services. If a stump is not something you want on your property at all, we offer speedy stump removal services too!

Tree Clearing

Whether commercial or residential, sometimes a lot needs to be cleared. Timberland Tree Care is fully equipped and trained to clear a lot of trees and underbrush, regardless of the job’s size and scope. We know the importance of your surrounding landscape, and takes great care to provide effective lot clearing solutions that will not disrupt or destroy your property.

Get a Free Quote for Indianapolis Tree Service Right Now

Although based out of Indianapolis, Timberland Tree Care provides prompt and professional tree services for all of Central Indiana, from Noblesville to Greenfield, and everything in between! Contact us directly at 317-348-0811 to request a free estimate or information, during regular business hours. Timberland Tree Care looks forward to helping you!

Timberland Tree Care Indianapolis, Indiana
Timberland Tree Care 317-348-0811