Tips for Watering an Old Tree

Mature trees are prized possessions to us because they have flourished to the tree they were planted to be. Aside from the oxygen they produce, mature trees provide privacy, shade, appeal, energy efficiency, noise reduction, and various other benefits. For these reasons and more, we are keen on keeping them healthy and happy for years to come.

One of the most frequently asked questions about caring for mature trees is in regard to the amount of water they require for sustenance. Concerned property owners want to know if they should be watering their mature trees or doing something more to care for them. Mature landscaping trees are assets, so it is important to know these facts.

Continue reading to learn about caring for mature trees and how much you should be watering them, season to season.

Tree Care Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Tree Care Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Tree Care for Mature Trees and Shrubs

Just like young trees, mature trees require a certain degree of routine care and maintenance. This includes watering, pruning, fertilizing, and disease prevention. You see, mature trees have slowed in growth, making them more vulnerable to the hazards in their surrounding environment. They are more susceptible to pest infestations, diseases, blights, and wildlife interference.

To ensure proper growth and survival, mature trees need:

☑ Proper Soil Conditions and pH Balance
☑ Regular Watering
☑ Seasonal Pruning
☑ Pest and Wildlife Prevention

How to Water an Older Tree

To water mature trees properly, you will need to take their age and climate into consideration. Here’s what you need to know:

▶ Larger trees require more water than smaller ones.

▶ If the forecast is calling for flooding rains over the next several weeks, you will not need to water your trees.

▶ If the forecast is moderately rainy to dry, you will need to give your mature trees one deep watering every month.

▶ In dry seasons or during extended periods of drought, water trees deeply twice per month.

Tree Pruning and Disease Control for Old Trees

Mature trees should be pruned on a routine basis to improve foliage growth and branch strength, thus reducing the chances of branch breakage and other tree hazards. In heavily wooded areas, it is wise to have your trees sprayed with insecticides for added protection against pest infestations. Talk to a trusted Indianapolis tree service company for advice on how to care for your mature trees. They have the knowledge and experience to accurately assess your tree’s overall condition and health needs, provide professional recommendations, and implement any needed tree service for your landscaping trees.

Are you looking for professional tree work for your old or new landscaping trees? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers all throughout the surrounding Indy areas.

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4 Environmental Factors That Can Delay or Stop Tree Growth

There are various problems that can arise when it comes to planting and caring for trees.  Trees are valuable and beautiful amenities to have on your property, so it can be a troubling thought to know certain factors can stunt tree growth.  For many homeowners, trees can represent tradition and family, growing high into the sky for decades upon decades.  That is why people plant trees; to see them grow! 

So as a homeowner, be sure to know how to care for your trees and protect them from the things that can prevent them from living long and healthy lives.

Tree Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Tree Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Top Causes for Stunted Tree Growth

Lack of Sunlight

Trees need sunlight to grow, sustain, and produce oxygen.  If a tree is denied a certain degree of sunlight, then the growth will inevitably suffer.  Sunlight is food for trees.  They need it to survive and to remain healthy.  If a large building is suddenly erected next door to your adolescent trees, their growth rate may reduce more and more, every season.  On top of this example, trees can be denied sunlight in other ways.  Storms, overcast, and larger trees can block other trees from receiving enough rays as well.

Animals and Insects

There are a few species of insects, animals, and living organisms that use the nutrients derived from trees to sustain their own lives and growth patterns.  In this situation, the tree may not be able to grow at its potential rate because it is not getting all of the nutrients it generally requires.  This relationship between creature and tree is not enough to kill a tree, but certainly stunt its growth.  Another scenario involves infestations. 

Certain insects can use trees as hosts and hives, putting the tree at risk of disease or death.  This type of relationship will immediately stop the growth of a tree and even begin killing it along the way.  The most common pests known to do this to trees include tree borers, female scale insects, aphids, and Elm Leaf beetles. Fungal outbreaks are also detrimental to tree health.

Lack of Water

Just like everything living thing on Earth, trees need water to grow.  If they do not get the amount of water they need to survive, they will eventually die.  If a tree’s water source becomes restricted, the tree can survive, but growth and longevity are not likely.  Trees need nutrients, sunlight, water, and minor maintenance to thrive on any residential property.  A drought, bad weather, water source obstruction, or root damage can all be causes for water depletion in trees.

Have you lost some trees on your property? Do you need to have trees in poor health or decline? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree removal in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial tree work, as well as free estimates and advice.

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