Why are My Tree Leaves Brown and Dead at the Edges?

As with all living organisms on the planet, trees are vulnerable to illness and decline. But with the right tools and resources, you can protect your trees from falling victim to common tree diseases. If you have noticed a sudden change on the leaves of your shrubs and trees, it could be due to a tree illness. One of the most common signs of a diseased or infected tree is browning and curled leaf edges.

Continue reading to learn which tree diseases are usually responsible for browned and curling tree leaves, plus what you can do to prevent further decline in your affected landscaping trees.

Indianapolis Indiana Tree Service 317-348-0811
Indianapolis Indiana Tree Service 317-348-0811

Leaf Scorch

Leaf scorch is also known as leaf wilt and leaf burn. The signs of leaf scorch are easy to identify. Leaf burn will cause tree leaves to brown at the edges, curl up, wilt, and fall off.  In evergreen trees, the pine needles will simply turn brown or orange in color. The reason behind leaf wilt is lack of hydration and nutrients.  Something occurs beneath the ground that prevents the root system from successfully pulling water and nutrients from the earth and distributing it through the veins of the leaf system. The lack of food and water causes the leaves to wilt and die. 

Leaf scorch is not curable or reversible; however, a tree can recover and begin producing new, healthy foliage if proper care is taken. The first step in turning leaf wilt around is determining the source of the problem. This can be from a variety of situations, from new construction development to drought and high heat intervals. Be sure to consult a professional Indianapolis tree service professional for an accurate and reliable diagnosis.

Leaf Blight

On the subject of leaf disorders, leaf blight is another common disease that affects the leaves of prevalent North American hardwood trees.  The authentic name of leaf blight is Anthracnose and is most commonly spotted in the eastern parts of the United States. This syndrome is customarily marked by several burn-like blotches that look like dead spots or holes on tree leaves. Leaf Blight is caused by a fungus that reproduces by means of spores.

During long rainy or windy seasons, these microscopic spores can quickly travel through the air. They need wet weather to germinate. Anthracnose is not a deadly disease in most cases; however, a tree can suffer from persistent defoliation. The repetitive loss of leaves can cause the tree to become weak, making it vulnerable to other tree diseases. Again, in this situation, it is best to consult a professional in the tree service industry for dependable advice and guidance concerning residential or commercial tree care.

Choose Professional Tree Service

Sadly, there isn’t a whole lot you can do to prevent your landscaping trees from disease. But with the right knowledge, you can look out for changes in tree health and catch problems early on. Knowledge coupled with routine tree service is the best formula for preventing tree decline in your landscaping trees. Talk to a local and trusted tree service company in Indianapolis for help determining the best tree care plan for your property.

Are you looking for a qualified Indy tree care contractor to help you bring out of the best of your verdant landscape? Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers with comprehensive tree service solutions at the right price.

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How to Prevent Lightning Strikes to Landscaping Trees

Spring is the time for rain, and as of recently, storms as well, abundant with torrential downpours, lightning, and thunder. Although rain and thunder are not really threats to your property, lightning strikes are. And lightning is especially attracted to trees. If you are concerned about the safety of your landscaping trees this season, add some things to your tree care to-do list to protect them against lightning damage.

Continue reading to learn a strategic tree care method that can effectively prevent lightning strikes to trees, plus what to do if a tree sadly falls subject to one.

Tree Removal Contractor Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811
Tree Removal Contractor Indianapolis Indiana 317-348-0811

Tree Protection is an Essential Part of Tree Care

Trees are important assets, adding both appeal and function to our properties. Not only do trees make our landscapes look nicer, but they also provide protection against wind, snow, excessive sun exposure, and much more. One of the most essential elements of a tree care plan is tree protection. When it comes to lightning strikes, sadly, most trees don’t survive. So, if you live in a region like Indiana that sees a lot of rainstorms, it is wise to incorporate lightning strike protection to abate the risk.

Why Do Trees Get Struck By Lightning?

Trees are common targets of lightning strikes because they are excellent conductors of electricity. Trees are filled with water, which is a prime electrical conductor. Also, trees are tall, and reach great heights in the sky. This tends to put them at the front of the line when it comes to a lightning bolt striking from above.

Lightning Strike Prevention for Trees

The number one method of preventing lightning strikes in trees that involves installing a copper cable that is connected to a lightning rod. This rod is attached to the tip of the tree and is designed to attract and divert electrical currents coming from lightning in the sky. The copper cable runs down a copper pole that is staked in the ground next to the tree but outside of the tree’s drip line. The cable should never be attached directly to the tree. In fact, the tree is typically fitted with specialized fasteners that prevent any contact from happening.

It is not recommended to install lightning strike prevention systems yourself. Although lightning strike protection for trees can come with an expensive price tag, the mitigation of lightning strike damage to your landscaping trees is an essential strategy toward increasing your property’s resale value.

If your tree was struck by lightning, is it wise to have it removed for reasons of safety, but to also prevent pest infestations. Contact Timberland Tree Care at 317-348-0811 for licensed and insured tree removal service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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